The Sofosbuvir Tablet or Sovaldi is an antiviral medication which prevents Hepatitis C virus from affecting your body and multiplying in it. The Sofosbuvir Tablet can be used in combination with other antiviral medications as well that meant for treating chronic hepatitis C virus in the adults and the children who are in the age group of 12 years and must weigh around 77 pounds.

  • Daclahep 60mg

    Daclahep 60 mg tablet is used to cure a liver viral infection. The infection is caused due to the virus named as hepatitis C. The infection can cause when a person comes in contact with infectious fluids and secretions from someone who is suffering from Hepatitis C. The tablet is used with combination of other medications such as sofosbuvir, interferon and ribavirin for the treatment of hepatitis infection. While using this medication there are high chances of experiencing some health issues like nausea, headache, weakness and many breakdowns. In time you need to consult the doctor for complete relief from side effects. The doctor may also tell you give the side effects can prolong for years or just remain for few days.

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