The medicine of Generic Abilify is used for the treatment of mood and mental disorders. It helps in treating conditions like bipolar disorder, irritability, schizophrenia, autistic disorder and Tourettes disorder. It can be used in combination with other medicines. When it is used in the combination with other drugs, it treats the problem of depression as well. This antipsychotic remedy helps in restoring the balance of the natural chemicals. It will assist in decreasing the hallucinations and improves clear and positive thinking.


    Generic Lexapro (escitalopram) is an antidepressant medication that belongs to the group of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). The active element of escitalopram works on a certain chemical in the brain that might be unbalanced in the people who have the issue of depression or anxiety. The medication of Generic Lexapro is useful for treating anxiety and depression in the adults and in the adolescent teenagers who are above the age group of 12 years.

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