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Orlistat is a medication that is helpful for the obese people to lose weight. Usually, the fat content in your food is being broken down by the enzymes in your stomach and the intestines which are absorbed into the body for storing. The tablet of Orlistat prevents the enzymes from functioning which means nearly 30 to 40% less dietary fat is being absorbed in your body. As a result, the fat that remains unabsorbed shall pass directly through your intestines. This is a very effective medicine that can help the obese people to lose weight and prevent further addition of weight to the body. This tablet is approved by the Food and Drug Administration of USA and is very safe for usage. You can easily buy Orlistat tablet online at a very cheap rate.



Orlistat is a medication that is helpful for the obese people to lose weight. Usually, the fat content in your food is being broken down by the enzymes in your stomach and the intestines which are absorbed into the body for storing. The tablet of Orlistat prevents the enzymes from functioning which means nearly 30 to 40% less dietary fat is being absorbed in your body. As a result, the fat that remains unabsorbed shall pass directly through your intestines. This is a very effective medicine that can help the obese people to lose weight and prevent further addition of weight to the body. This tablet is approved by the Food and Drug Administration of USA and is very safe for usage. You can easily buy Orlistat tablet online at a very cheap rate.

Action Mechanism

Orlistat medication is a useful drug that helps the obese people to lose weight. It can be used by the adults who are in age group of 18 years and above or who have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 and above. It can be also given to the patients who have a BMI of above 28 in case they have any weight related issue. The tablet of Orlistat can be taken in combination of low calorie and low fat diet. The tablet of Orlistat functions by preventing 1/3 of total fat in the meal from being absorbed in the body. When this fat is not absorbed or digested it passes out of the body in form of defecation or stools. If it is taken with low calorie diet along with regular exercise then there can be an expected weight loss of around 1 kg (2lb) more for 2kg (4lb) you would from dieting alone while taking the medication of Orlistat capsules.

How To Take Orlistat Capsules

You need to follow the dosage chart while taking the medication for it to work properly and help you lose weight. The tablet of Orlistat must be taken within an hour of eating after three of your main meals including breakfast, lunch and dinner. You have to continue taking Orlistat for three months at least in case to make the medicine work effectively for losing weight. In case you fail to lose weight even after consuming Orlistat medication, then most of the doctors will advise you to stop taking the medication. You need to take only one capsule per day and not more than that.

What If I Miss The Dosage

In case you miss your dosage or you it has been more than hour after your last meal, then you have to wait until your next meal. Do not take a double dosage of the medication. In case you have accidentally taken an overdose of the medication, then contact your doctor at once.

Orlistat drug interaction

It will be better to have a word with your doctor before you take the medication of Orlistat for the purpose of weight loss. It is important if you are taking any other medication or any kind of oral contraceptive pill.

You should consult your doctor:

  • In case you are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Have issues in absorbing food
  • Problem of reduced bile flow
  • If you are allergic to any of the active ingredient used in Orlistat

Side effects of Orlistat

There can be some minor and major side effect of Orliastat tablet which you have to watch out while using the medication. If any of the side effects stays for a long time, then show to the doctor at once. The side effect that might trouble you are:

  • Itching
  • Abnormal bowel movements
  • Rectal pain
  • Menstrual changes
  • Sleeping trouble
  • Unusual weakness and tiredness
  • Headache vomiting
  • Tooth issues
  • Yellow colored skin or eyes


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